Sunday 15 June 2014

D16: Marble Mine/Onjuva - Puros (117km)

D16: Marble Mine/Onjuva - Puros (117km)

The next morning quite early, we started towards Puros. We passed this desolate quarry - 
token of prosperous days gone by.

South of Onjuva - grassy valleys and Springbuck.

Had someone hoped to quarry here too?

A clear view of the foot of the mountain (tallus)

This could be a good reason to get to Orupembe quickly - if you're a beer drinker?

More mountains

Can you see the Oryx ahead of us?

Erosion - this is how the earth's surface changes.

We travelled in a riverbed. This Mopanie must have seen seasons of drought and floods.

Peek-a-boo!! Here I am!

 The riverbed road wide and interesting travelling.

Mountains flanking the valley.

Oryx grazing peacefully.

Just look how small BigBlue looks in the distance.

Excellent road.

More greenery here than in the north.

The road winds around a deep donga.

What makes the road white against the surroundings?

This must qualify for eking out an existence.

Sun catching the tops of the grasses.

We know that we're heading towards the Hoarusib River, but we didn't realise we would be passing through such mountainous country to get to the Puros Conservancy.

Over the neck towards the next valley.

A magnificent rock face which shows the layering underlying the mountains.

Could these flat bushes also belong to the Commiphora family?

A crowned mountain

The road snakes downward next to a deep donga.

A lone Shepherds Tree kept company by a lone Oryx.

We're moving down into the valleys. 
The cliffs show us the structure of the mountains.

The Hoarusib Valley ahead.

A last look back where we came from. 
Where's Tom?

Eventually we get to the riverbed and 
turn sharply south towards Puros.

Either side of the riverbed the mountains watch over us.

A road in a riverbed follows the turns of the river, 
past trees and bushes,

mudflakes to remind us that a while ago it was wet here,

and sometimes we even cross a gulley filled with water.

Jan Joubert's Koppie is a well-known landmark. 
On our last visit we looked over the area through which we are now driving. 
Now we look up at the koppie from below - 
a very different scene. 

Donkeys digging for water? Why not?

Giraffe giving us right of way.

At last - the Puros Community Campsite sign.

Johan knew that campsite number 1 was the best site. We heartily agreed with her!

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